Friday, November 27, 2009

Obama is a Muslim! Get Your Heads Out of the Sand America!!

As Don King says, "Only in America." Obama says we are not at war with, nor will we ever be at war with Islam. Apparently Islam didn't get that memo, since their very holy book says

" And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]...and fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah." Qur'an (2:191-193)

Or how about this peaceful little verse from Islam...

"They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks." Qu'ran (4:89)

Do not be fooled America. Islam is not a peaceful religion. The Qu'ran clearly states that all must submit to Islam or be killed

Friday, November 13, 2009


I often come up with what I plan to write on during my morning run. For some reason, ideas seem to bounce into my brain housing group (military term) as I am punishing myself physically. Today, I decided to put politics in the background; somewhat, and talk about life in general. Don't worry, I promise not to become a philosopher, as I do not feel that is a respectable occupation. If you spend your entire life thinking about things you'll never accomplish anything. Life is a combination of thinking and doing, and that's somewhat the direction I am going today.

It seems that more and more Americans these days want, more like demand the government to take a more active role in their everyday lives. I do not wish to examine the government's motives for this, as I do at great length almost everyday. Today I want to talk specifically to Americans who may believe that it is the government's duty to take care of them.

Once upon a time we were taught, as children, that we were responsible for our own actions, and that actions have consequences. This apparently isn't the thought process among a great many Americans anymore, as so many look to others to blame for every mistake they make. The liberal lawmakers as well as the media fuel this, by spinning so many of their news stories in that direction. We need look no further than the Fort Hood shooting last week for an example. Why does the media insist on telling all Americans stories about poor Major Hasan, who was criticized by his peers, had no friends, was persecuted for his religion, and was forced by the evil Army to listen to hundreds of soldiers' PTSD stories to the point in which he broke. The story is actually quite simple. Maj. Hasan gunned down 14 (that's right pro-murder advocates I said 14) innocent people...end of story. When did the "why" become more important than the "what"?

Before I go off on a rant here, let me pull this back on topic. The point is Hasan is responsible for his actions...period!

On a smaller, less violent scale, Americans should be responsible for their actions. More so than just that, we should want to be responsible for our actions. I see too many Americans content to live on unemployment and welfare, rather than get a job. I see too many that feel entitled to free healthcare. How many Americans had no problem taking a government bailout of their mortgage, while some of us scratched and clawed to keep paying ours. Oh, that's wasn't their fault it was the evil lenders who didn't explain well enough what "Adjustable Rate Mortgage" meant. Sometimes all of this "not my fault" victimization angers me, and other times it just makes me sad.

Why does it make me sad, you ask? Quite simply, life is a magical ride, but you only get to enjoy it once. Most of us are going to grow old one day (some of us feel old already) and be unable to do things we were once able to do. On that same note, nobody is promised another day...your life could end tomorrow. If it were all over tomorrow, what would you be proud of? It's a simple question, but one that this generation may have a hard time answering. So many have been brought up to believe that they are entitled to everything they want, with little to no effort. Some have gone so far as to believe they are entitled to not be offended by anything they see or hear. If you live your life taking handouts and bailouts, and anything else you can scam without effort, what will you be proud of?

My mother resides in an assisted living facility now, as she is in advanced stages of multiple sclerosis. If you want to witness the point I am making here, I challenge you to go visit one, even if you don't know anyone. They love to have visitors. When you go, you will have no problem getting that generation of Americans to share stories with you about their lives. You will hear numerous entertaining stories of events they were involved in, and troubles they were able to overcome. What will this younger generation of Americans speak of when that day comes?

The point I am making, at an alarmingly slow pace I suppose is this. You have but one life to live here on this earth. Live it to it's fullest. Make a difference! Do things you're proud of. Not happy with your job? Start a new career. Do something you enjoy and that you can take pride in. Make a difference in someone elses life and I guarantee you will be a happier person. When you were a child you had exciting goals and dreams, we all did. Who gave you the idea that those dreams had to die? I beg of you to not accept this life of minimal effort under the care of government social programs. It may be the path of least resistance now, but one day you will have grandchildren who will look up at you and ask about what you did when you were younger. They won't want to here stories about all of the free government programs that you eeked through life on, compliments of other Americans taxpayer dollars.

Go live your life! Take pride in your accomplishments! Learn from your failures! Work hard, and don't blame anyone else. The Constitution says you are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Start pursuing!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Veteran's Day Tribute

I know it was yesterday, but I didn't get a "Thank You" tribute up in time. It's never a bad day to thank a veteran!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

When Political Correctness Kills

I was going to get back to pontificating on what I believe this week, but have been so angered by the media coverage of the Islamic terrorist attack on Fort Hood that I felt the need to speak on this topic.

First, and foremost, my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and the families of everyone involved in this cowardly attack. God bless all of you as you cope with the tragedy and loss.

Next, I want to examine the crossroads we find ourselves at as a nation. I do not feel as though I am dramatizing the situation by saying that. I feel we most assuredly are at a critical juncture in our nations history which, based upon the decisions we make in the near future, will define just how much breath is left in the lungs of our republic.

A brief overview of the facts of the Fort Hood shooting are in order. Last Thursday afternoon, Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan, opened fire on his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, TX, killing 13 and wounding 38 others. Witnesses stated he shouted, "Allahu Akbar" ("God is great!") before he began shooting. Shortly after the tragic events unfolded, intelligence began to report many troubling things about Maj. Hasan. It was discovered that he was a devout muslim. He had worshipped at a mosque in 2001 that was led by radical Imam Anwar al-Awlaki , believed to be a "spiritual adviser" to three of the 9/11 hijackers, and may have met two of them. It was further reported by other soldiers that Hasan openly voiced his opposition to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in terms that were described as anti-American propaganda, and had also made anti-Semitic comments. It was also uncovered that he may have posted comments on the internet sympathetic to homicide bombers, comparing them to soldiers who fall on grenades.

With all of this information on hand to support that Maj Hasan committed a domestic act of terrorism in the name of radical Islam, the media, instead, is playing multi-cultural damage control by attempting to draw the conclusion that Maj Hasan was mentally unstable, due to the stress placed upon him by the US Army and by his patients, who's post traumatic stress stories he had to listen to every day. Isn't that a convenient way for the liberal media to turn the story of the tragedy around so that they might be able to take another pot shot or two at the war they are against in Afghanistan and Iraq, rather than admit that we have suffered another tragic domestic act of terrorism, compliments of Islam. As Rahm Emanuel has clearly stated, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste." Thus, the liberals are attempting to spin this tragedy into an anti-war sing-a-long.

Maj Hasan had never deployed into a combat zone, yet media sources are putting every quack they can find on the air to elaborate on how he may have been suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. Some went so far as to create a new disorder out of the incident. Coming soon to your neighborhood...pre-traumatic stress disorder!!! Apparently, this is the overwhelming amount of stress suffered by an individual who is preparing to deploy to combat, but hasn't yet. Oh, how far we have come as a nation when we create a new psychological disorder every day to explain the latest derelict's unacceptable behavior, and release him or her from taking responsibility for their actions, but that's another article. This goes much deeper into the darkest pits of multi-culturalism and political correctness.

I find the utter hypocrisy of the mainstream media the most disturbing in the last two days. They have begun concentrating their efforts on the Army soldiers who had worked with and knew Hasan over the years. They seem to be very critical of the fact that none of these witnesses to his past anti-American behavior had come forward or reported it to authorities. I, myself, am extremely disturbed that so many knew of his behaviors and anti-American sentiments, and did not report it as well, but the media has no right to be critical, as they are one of the mechanisms which created this politically correct atmosphere which tells us if we express concern about a muslim that we are unfairly stereotyping them. The media has gone out of its way since 9/11 to drill into our heads that Islam is a peaceful religion, and they don't hesitate to report any slight infraction against any muslim in this country which could even remotely be looked at as a prejudice against their religion. The ACLU has more cases in court representing muslims who feel they have been wronged by the system than Nancy Pelosi has plastic surgeries.

One needs look no further than the "Flying Imams" to see how apologetic we have become to the muslims of this country. The Imams, who had just attended a North American Imams Federation Conference, were asked to the leave the plane after several passengers saw suspicious behavior, including asking for seat-belt extenders without being obese, making critical comments of theUnited States in Arabic and sitting in pairs throughout the cabin in unassigned seats.

They immediately cried discrimination and claimed their rights were being violated. Rather than tell them that their behavior was suspicious and unacceptable, they received an undisclosed settlement from the airline. At one point in the proceedings they even considered suing the individuals who reported their suspicious behavior. Imagine if they had acted that way within the first year after the 9/11 attacks. They would have been beaten within an inch of their lives by half of the passengers on the plane, and received no recourse. My, what short term memory we have. If I were to go to the airport and so much as joke about anything suspicious regarding myself and an aircraft, you can bet I would be detained by airport security personnel for hours and questioned, and rightfully so.

Is it just me, or does all of this tip-toeing around the sensitivities of muslims anger and sicken you as well? Once upon a time this country was proud to be considered a Christian nation. Our present court system is now consumed with taking down any and all Christian displays, while at the same time apologizing to and awarding monetary settlements to any muslim who feels he was given a wrongful double-take.

We must wake up before it is too late and stop allowing political correctness to protect radical minority fringe groups from any oversight, lest Ronald Reagan's quote come true.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free" -- Ronald Reagan

Monday, November 9, 2009