It is no great secret that I do not agree with the current President on many things. I do not believe in his "spread the wealth" aka socialism. I do not support a government imposed healthcare system. I do not support spending twice as much as we make as a a nation each year...and I could go on all day, but one need only read some of my posts to see where I stand on most concerns.
Regardless of my very strong opinions on all of these policies, no stance is more important in our nation than our position regarding Israel. Israel is, first and foremost, a land blessed by God
Thus saith the Lord GOD; When I shall have gathered the house of Israel from the people among whom they are scattered, and shall be sanctified in them in the sight of the heathen, then shall they dwell in their land that I have given to my servant Jacob. Ezekiel 28:25
Israel is a beacon of light in the middle east, which seeks only to survive and exist amongst numerous nations which daily seek it's demise. It is no accident that this tiny nation continues to survive and thrive while being surrounded by hostile muslim nations who have attempted on numerous occasions to wipe them from the map. If there is any physical evidence to prove the existence of our God in Heaven the continued existence of the nation of Israel in the face of threatened extinction by it's islamic neighbors is nothing short of a miracle. This small nation represents morals and values similar to our own nation and we must support her against all radical, evil elements, which rise up against her.
Rather than continue a friendly, supportive policy towards the greatest ally we have in this world, our current President has continuously thrown Israel under the bus. Most recently, he has called for Israel to withdraw back to it's pre-Six Day War 1967 borders. You know, one of the many times Israel's neighbors (Egypt, Syria, and Jordan) have joined forces in an attempt to destroy Israel.
This is incomrehensible, as it would make Israel unable to defend itself properly. Our President is stepping into dangerous territory by turning his back on Israel. I do not believe for one minute that he is representing the views of the people of our nation on this matter.
Mark my words...our nation has been blessed by God throughout it's history by standing up for decency, freedom, and liberty of mankind on the World's stage. The day we, as a nation, turn our back on Israel...we, as a nation, will cease to receive these blessings. I pray for Israel this day and for all the upcoming days that they struggle to survive in the face of our growing abandonment of them. May they be blessed and survive long enough that we might replace the personnel in our nations highest offices which seek to side with evil.
Rather than continue a friendly, supportive policy towards the greatest ally we have in this world, our current President has continuously thrown Israel under the bus.