Date | Country | City | Killed | Injured | Description |
2011.05.15 | Iraq | Baghdad | 3 | 0 | A family of three, including a 13-year-old boy, are murdered in their beds by sectarian Jihadis. |
2011.05.15 | Israel | Tel Aviv | 1 | 17 | An Israeli is killed when an Arab driver rams him yelling 'Allah Akbar' and 'Death to Jews'. |
2011.05.15 | Egypt | Cairo | 2 | 50 | About fifty Christians are injured and two killed when a Muslim mob hurls rocks and homemade bombs into a peaceful protest. |
2011.05.14 | Pakistan | Kharian | 7 | 20 | Three women and a child are among seven bus passengers torn to shreds by fundamentalist bombers. |
2011.05.13 | Algeria | Tizrarana | 7 | 2 | Armed fundamentalists attack a military barracks, slaying seven dead. |
2011.05.13 | Pakistan | Karachi | 1 | 0 | A Shiite is shot twelve times by Sunni militants while traveling to work. |
2011.05.13 | Pakistan | Bannu | 89 | 120 | Two suicide bombers murder eighty innocent people in "revenge" for the bin Laden killing. |
2011.05.13 | Nigeria | Maiduguri | 2 | 0 | Two men waiting for a bus are blown to bits by Boko Haram Islamists. |
2011.05.13 | Nigeria | Borno | 1 | 0 | Religious radicals shoot a chauffeur to death. |
2011.05.12 | Nigeria | Maiduguri | 2 | 0 | Boko Haram radicals murder a union official and his son. |
2011.05.12 | Iraq | Mussayab | 2 | 0 | Two people are abducted and beheaded by Religion of Peace activists. |
2011.05.12 | Afghanistan | Helmand | 2 | 0 | A Taliban wearing a police uniform opens up on NATO soldiers eating lunch, killing two. |
2011.05.12 | Iraq | Hillah | 1 | 0 | A teenager is tortured and murdered by suspected al-Qaeda. |
2011.05.12 | Nigeria | Borno | 1 | 1 | Muslim extremists assassinate a local elder. |
2011.05.11 | Somalia | Gal Gala | 5 | 4 | Islamists ambush a group of government troops, killing five. |
2011.05.11 | Iraq | Tikrit | 2 | 1 | Two Iraqis bleed out following a Mujahideen bombing. |
2011.05.11 | Pakistan | Karachi | 2 | 0 | Two cops are gunned down in an Islamist drive-by. |
2011.05.10 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 3 | 7 | Islamic militia take out three civilians with a roadside bomb. |
2011.05.10 | Iraq | Tikrit | 11 | 8 | Jihad car bombers send eleven Iraqis to Allah. |
2011.05.10 | Pakistan | Peshawar | 1 | 0 | A journalist is disassembled by a car bomb blast. |
2011.05.10 | Dagestan | Makhachkala | 1 | 1 | A suicide bomber detonates at a checkpoint, killing a cop. |
2011.05.09 | Afghanistan | Ghazni | 6 | 0 | The Taliban machine-gun a half-dozen policemen at point-blank range. |
2011.05.09 | Egypt | Cairo | 1 | 0 | A 60-year-old Catholic grandfather is beaten to death by enraged Muslims. |
2011.05.09 | Pakistan | Nowshera | 4 | 2 | A bombing at a courthouse leaves four dead, including a woman. |
2011.05.09 | Pakistan | Orakzai | 1 | 0 | Tehreek-e-Taliban kidnap and brutally execut a tribesman. |
2011.05.09 | Afghanistan | Khost | 4 | 0 | Four villagers are beheaded by religious hardliners. |
2011.05.09 | Afghanistan | Laghman | 5 | 3 | Three children are among five civilians torn to shreads by a Shahid suicide bomber. |
2011.05.09 | Iraq | Baghdad | 3 | 2 | A liquor store owner is among the casualties of various Mujahideen blasts. |
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