I am sure September 11th, 2001, began like any other day for Stuart Seid Louis. Stuart had accomplished so much in his young life. A successful career as an investment banker, a wife Sharon, and two wonderful children, Evan and Kara, he was respected by his peers as "the consummate professional" and known as a "sharp dresser" in the workplace. I can only imagine it was another day at the office for him. At the age of 43 he was well liked and respected as a managing director at Sandler O'Neill & Partners. He excelled at work, yet was not consumed by it. At least once every week he made sure to get out and take his father to lunch. He also consistently ensured he attended parent/teacher conferences and was very involved in family life.
I wonder if he had any feeling this day, as he took the elevator to the the 104th floor of 2 World Trade Center, any intuition, that this day we now know to be so tragic, was about to take place. I am certain that he did not, and it is a blessing, as I pray his final thoughts were the happy memories he had helped to create over the years with his wife and children.
Sadly, Stuart's life ended on this day, in an act of cowardice I pray this nation never forgets. Thanks to Mr. Louis, we can remember the accomplishments and the happiness he brought to his loved ones. That cannot be taken away. The time he took out of his life to make others' lives brighter, that light shall live on in the hearts and the minds of his family and friends, who are certainly better for having known him for the short time the Lord allowed him to be on this Earth.
On the 8th anniversary of this horrific act, my heart goes out to the family of Stuart Seid Louis, as well as all of the victims' families. May we always remember these innocent victims, and resolve ourselves to do whatever is necessary to never allow such a disaster to take place again.
Below is a link to pictures which were created by children who lost parents in this horrible attack. On the page linked are pictures which were made by Kara and Evan Louis, in honor of their father Stuart.
Thanks for posting this. I taught both of these children and I am glad to see this commemoration.