Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Letter From My Son's Middle School Principal

Upon hearing the news the other day that "The Chosen One" would be blessing children nationwide with his vast amount of wisdom that only comes from being a community organizer, I immediately fired off a letter to the principal of my son's school, in order to determine if he would be getting a parent sponsored day off next Tuesday. His response is below:

Mr. Williams,

Thank you for your question and concern about our curriculum and instructional practices. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Your email was the first I had heard about a speech by President Obama. The last week has been filled with activities and meetings regarding fundraising for our middle school sports program, planning for a sports program with limited funds (still looking for a wrestling coach), PTO Meetings, and the normal daily activities of a middle school.

To answer your question, there is no plan to interrupt the school day to participate in a speech; other than Student Council elections late next week during Homeroom. Our focus is student learning and meeting & exceeding the Arizona State Standards. Feel free to contact me regarding further questions.

Having read this, I feel much better about the school system my son is in.  Maybe I was reading into his letter too much, but it almost seems to me he is indirectly saying that they have more important things to do than listen to the speech.  Anyone have any opinions on this letter??

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